So for today I am going to talk about the rooms that some of us have in our homes and some of us may not. These are the office, craft room, toy room spare room, and other rooms like this. For me the office is the hardest one to keep clean. We have one room that is my husbands office and then my office is a desk in the dining room. I find that if the kids put one paper on the desk it seems to grow and then I have a hot spot that is burning out of control. A hot spot is a place where you drop things and that needs to be go through and things put away. I do not have drawer in desk so I think that makes it harder so I have had to come up with neat ways to organize my desk I have a video on this and I will link it here. What we need to do to start in this space is get out your give away put away and toss bags and quickly go threw the things on the desk and then move to the cabinets and the drawers then look at the floor empty the trash and then things should be looking better.
A craft room is just the same as the office move quickly and things will be looking up in no time. The spare room may be a room that you keep extra clothes in so you may have to do it just like you do the bed room but make this room warm and inviting for guest that may come to visit.
Now the toy room that is a different ball game all together. I just did a over haul of this and there will be a video of the after to come and some pictures that will be linked to that but lets just say get lots of trash bags and give away bags ready and do not keep more than you have space for. I have three shelves and the things that my kids have must fit on the shelf and things have a place they are not just thrown on the shelf. You will have to find what works for you and your kids and this will have to do with their age to. Good luck I know that this is a hard area to organize and it took me almost 7 years to get the right system down and lots of help from my husband. Take it slow and easy and these rooms will be clean in no time
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