Sunday, February 2, 2014

Shining sink 365 Day 33

First I want to say that I am going to be taking the weekends off from blogging but not my shiny sink so I can spend that time with my family.

Now for today's tip.  I want to tell you how baby steps get you out of chaos and have you feeling at peace and not stressed all the time.  When you start your baby steps you will start to see a change it will be slow and you may think that you should be doing more but I want you to remember this that flylady says "your house did not get messy in a day and will not get clean in a day."  So pace yourself remember that you have to take it slow and steady and take your breaks so that you are not burned out.  You do not have to start them on the first of the month if you are not working on the baby steps now please do this today start right now with these baby steps so that your home will be in order in no time.  Here is a link to flyladys baby steps starting with day one. Baby steps  Now I want to tell you a little bit of what I have found has happened to me since starting the flylady baby steps.  I find that my house is not out of control, I have the tools to do the job, I feel at peace with my home, I am not yelling at my kids as much because they know what their chores are and when they need to do them.  These are just a few of the things that have happened to me since I have started.  Please time it slow and stead and you will have a shining house just like your shining sink.

For more Information check out

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