Monday, February 24, 2014

Shining Sink 365 Day 55

We are still decluttering for a few more days.  We have more main areas in our house to look at.  Well really there is only one more main room and then some optional rooms.  Okay so the last main room is the bed room or bed rooms this will depend on your home and your needs.  In the bed room there are several places to declutter the closet the dressers the under the bed and if you have a vanity in this room this area to.  So get out your bags and start where you feel is the easiest for you for me this is dresser.  Do this just as we have done in the other rooms.  Keep Toss and Give away fill the bags and take the give away to the car and trash out then put the things in the keep bag away if there is not room to put it away rethink what you have in this space.  You can not keep anything that will not fit in the area.  Now the under the bed is a little different lets keep little to nothing under here.  I need this space to keep the out of season things but I keep them in two under the bed totes.  These are the only things that I have under my bed.  That is it.  It will be easy once you dive in.  You can do this and it will not be as bad as you think.  And look at it this way there will be less laundry to do when you purge the clothing.  :-)  Happy Decluttering.

For more information check out flylady at

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