Friday, February 7, 2014

Shining sink 365 day 38

I want to start by saying I'm so for no post yesterday.   Things got away from me and I did not get a chance to get on line.

Now for tonight I want to talk a little more about decluttering the kitchen.  Why do we need to talk about decluttering the kitchen in a shiny sink blog you may be asking, well because it is easier to shine the sink if you have less stuff in the kitchen.  I told you in the last blog to take a look at the cabinets how are you doing with this?  Are you getting rid of things?  Are you ready for the next step in the kitchen?  Well here it is, let's open the drawers we know there is lots in these area that need to be looked at.  Fly lady says that you should not have a junk drawer but that is one thing that I do not agree with but I don't like to call it a junk drawer I like to call it a what not a drawer because the things in this drawer are not junk.  And I have to admit that I have more than one. I have to also say this is in my upstairs kitchen because I do not have but three drawers down stairs.  I am still working on my upstairs kitchen so I have a empty drawer that I keep the extra wood pieces in this drawer but this is just till my kitchen is done. I'm sure by now you are wanting to see these drawers and cabinets well your in luck I have some pictures for you.  I hope you enjoy decluttering the kitchen.  Check back Monday for you next baby step.

In the mean time Check out Fly lady at

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