So for today I am going to talk about the rooms that some of us have in our homes and some of us may not. These are the office, craft room, toy room spare room, and other rooms like this. For me the office is the hardest one to keep clean. We have one room that is my husbands office and then my office is a desk in the dining room. I find that if the kids put one paper on the desk it seems to grow and then I have a hot spot that is burning out of control. A hot spot is a place where you drop things and that needs to be go through and things put away. I do not have drawer in desk so I think that makes it harder so I have had to come up with neat ways to organize my desk I have a video on this and I will link it here. What we need to do to start in this space is get out your give away put away and toss bags and quickly go threw the things on the desk and then move to the cabinets and the drawers then look at the floor empty the trash and then things should be looking better.
A craft room is just the same as the office move quickly and things will be looking up in no time. The spare room may be a room that you keep extra clothes in so you may have to do it just like you do the bed room but make this room warm and inviting for guest that may come to visit.
Now the toy room that is a different ball game all together. I just did a over haul of this and there will be a video of the after to come and some pictures that will be linked to that but lets just say get lots of trash bags and give away bags ready and do not keep more than you have space for. I have three shelves and the things that my kids have must fit on the shelf and things have a place they are not just thrown on the shelf. You will have to find what works for you and your kids and this will have to do with their age to. Good luck I know that this is a hard area to organize and it took me almost 7 years to get the right system down and lots of help from my husband. Take it slow and easy and these rooms will be clean in no time
For more information check out the flylady at
I just want to welcome everyone to the flying housewife this is a blog about cooking and cleaning and the new ways that I have to make cleaning fun. I clean the Flylady way so for more information you can go to and check out her site but I will try to guide you threw the way that I have found that flying works for me.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
Shining Sink 365 Day 55
We are still decluttering for a few more days. We have more main areas in our house to look at. Well really there is only one more main room and then some optional rooms. Okay so the last main room is the bed room or bed rooms this will depend on your home and your needs. In the bed room there are several places to declutter the closet the dressers the under the bed and if you have a vanity in this room this area to. So get out your bags and start where you feel is the easiest for you for me this is dresser. Do this just as we have done in the other rooms. Keep Toss and Give away fill the bags and take the give away to the car and trash out then put the things in the keep bag away if there is not room to put it away rethink what you have in this space. You can not keep anything that will not fit in the area. Now the under the bed is a little different lets keep little to nothing under here. I need this space to keep the out of season things but I keep them in two under the bed totes. These are the only things that I have under my bed. That is it. It will be easy once you dive in. You can do this and it will not be as bad as you think. And look at it this way there will be less laundry to do when you purge the clothing. :-) Happy Decluttering.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Shining Sink 365 Day 52
I want to start by saying I am going to move my post to morning post and they will be on a one day delay. It is getting to be to much on me to write a blog and post the picture at night while I am trying to get the kids in bed and my BBR done. Thank you for following me and if you like these blogs please click follow and you will be updated when a new post is published.
Now for the blog. We are going to continue to declutter and today we are going to look at our hall closets. I have two one as soon as you come in my front door and one in the hall outside the bathroom. I am going to look at both of these today. Lets look in these closets and get rid of the stuff that we no longer love or need lets toss the trash and put everything back in orderly. I like to use organizing tools in these area. I have over the door organizer hung on the closet rods. I also like to use the small clear shoe size totes. Play with this and have fun.
For more information check out flylady at
Now for the blog. We are going to continue to declutter and today we are going to look at our hall closets. I have two one as soon as you come in my front door and one in the hall outside the bathroom. I am going to look at both of these today. Lets look in these closets and get rid of the stuff that we no longer love or need lets toss the trash and put everything back in orderly. I like to use organizing tools in these area. I have over the door organizer hung on the closet rods. I also like to use the small clear shoe size totes. Play with this and have fun.
For more information check out flylady at
at home,
shining sink
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Shining sink 365 Day 50
I want to start by saying I am sorry about the lack of a blog yesterday I was very distracted and forgot all about posting yesterday. I want to go ahead and get right into the area of decluttering today We are going to work on the Living Room. There is not a lot of decluttering to do in this room there are only two main areas to look at and they are both small and easy so I want to address both of them in this blog. The first area is the tables lets look and see what is on them is there trash that needs to be thrown away and is there mags that need to be purged. Do this quick. Next lets move on to the nick nacks are there to many. Lets go through them and see if we need to get rid of a few. Go through these quick and see if we can purge any. This is a small task so let get going.
For more information check out Flylady at
For more information check out Flylady at
Monday, February 17, 2014
Shining sink 365 Day 48
I am sorry for the long break that I took I have been gone on vacation. We went away for the weekend to a farm show and time away for Valentines Day. I am home now and it is time to get back to decluttering for the month of February. I think that this is going to be our last day in the dining room. I only see one more place that need attention and that is your pie safe/china cabinet. I have a pie safe that has a glass cabinet on top and two shelves behind doors on the bottom your maybe different but you can do the same thing. I like to start at the top and work my way down. I grab my three bags, give away put away and trash. Take everything out and sort it into these categories once you have them sorted wipe down the shelf if you have anything glass go ahead and wash it before putting it back in then move on to the next section till it is done. Put the give away bag in the car and then take the trash out. This is when I like to dust this cabinet so that it looks shining. Good luck and happy shining.
For more information check out flylady at
For more information check out flylady at
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
shining sink 365 day 43
Day 43 is here and we are going strong today we are going back to the kitchen for a day we are going to declutter the counters let's look at the counter and see what's on it let's attack the piles makes you piles that you need to put away get out your bags that we used in the pantry and put the trash you find in let's not use the put away let's make piles and go threw them let's see what we love if we do not love it or uses it put it in the give away bag. Once you have gone threw the piles put the give away bag in the car. Now let's look at the appliances that you have out if you do not use them every day or regularly let's put them in the cabinets a clear counter will make your kitchen look better. Once your counter is clear let's wipe them down with soap and water. Now your kitchen is shining. Enjoy it.
For more information check out the flylady at
For more information check out the flylady at
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Shining Sink 365 Day 42
I want to start off by saying I forgot to put the day label on the sink for today. Now for the decluttering. We have been decluttering the kitchen for the last few blogs and our kitchens are looking good. Now we need to move on to the dinning room so that we are not getting the clutter back in the kitchen. Is your table covered with stuff. Is it piles and piles lets dig into the piles and see what is really in the piles. Do these things belong in your dinning room or do they belong in other rooms. A lot of times when my table gets cluttered I look at it and find that there are a lot of things that belong in other rooms like the kids rooms or the office. What i want you to do is to make piles for each room then take them to that room and put the things away in that room. Things that you do not know where it goes you need to find a place for so if you can not find a place to put it then decided if you really need it. You can not have things you call Misc. you have to make a decision and find a home for it. So today will be a easy day. Attack that table and lets get the table cleared. One last tip is to put a pretty bowl or dish maybe some flowers in the middle of the table so that you will not junk it up. If it is pretty you have a harder time dropping things there. Happy decluttering.
For more info check out flyleaf at
For more info check out flyleaf at
Monday, February 10, 2014
shining sink 365 day 41
Day 41 is here and we are still shining our sink and deluttering our kitchen to make the entire kitchen shine. We have done cabinets and drawers so now we are on to the pantry. For me this is a cabinet and a lazy Susan if your lucky enough to have a walk in pantry this may take you a few days just take it slow and baby step through it, it will get done. Here is how I declutter my pantry I pull everything out and put it on the table. Then I wipe down the shelves. Now is time to look at your food Get three bags (I use reusable shopping bags) make one a give away one a throw away and one a put away. Now look at dates on everything toss the expired food and look at the rest is it something you eat is it good for you if you want it and can use it put it in the keep if not put it in give away. Do this for all the food. When this is done before you put away the keep take the trash out and put the give away in the car do not stage it by the door or it will live there forever if you put it in the car you can drop it off at a food bank next time your in the car. Now for the put away. There is no right or wrong way to do this place it in how it works for you. I will include pictures from my upstairs kitchen. Happy decluttering.
For more information check out the flyladt at
Sunday, February 9, 2014
At home pedicure
Today I decided that I wanted to do a at home pedicure. I am going to be going out with my hubby and friends for a long weekend away for a farm show and valentines day. I saw a post on my Facebook about how to do a at home pedicure so I said I need to do that. Here is the picture that describes how to do it.
I soak in this for about 15 minutes then pulled one foot out trimmed it and put it back in repeated for the other foot. Then I went back to first food and used a stone on the bottom of my feet then repeat with the other foot. Last I pulled out and wiped down really good and dried. My feet were looking so much better.
It was very simple just match the right size to your toes then apply some glue to your real toe nail. There will be a tab on the end after you hold pressure on it to secure it for about 10 seconds pull down and twist on the tab and it will come off. Then you will end up with this:
Friday, February 7, 2014
Shining sink 365 day 38
I want to start by saying I'm so for no post yesterday. Things got away from me and I did not get a chance to get on line.
Now for tonight I want to talk a little more about decluttering the kitchen. Why do we need to talk about decluttering the kitchen in a shiny sink blog you may be asking, well because it is easier to shine the sink if you have less stuff in the kitchen. I told you in the last blog to take a look at the cabinets how are you doing with this? Are you getting rid of things? Are you ready for the next step in the kitchen? Well here it is, let's open the drawers we know there is lots in these area that need to be looked at. Fly lady says that you should not have a junk drawer but that is one thing that I do not agree with but I don't like to call it a junk drawer I like to call it a what not a drawer because the things in this drawer are not junk. And I have to admit that I have more than one. I have to also say this is in my upstairs kitchen because I do not have but three drawers down stairs. I am still working on my upstairs kitchen so I have a empty drawer that I keep the extra wood pieces in this drawer but this is just till my kitchen is done. I'm sure by now you are wanting to see these drawers and cabinets well your in luck I have some pictures for you. I hope you enjoy decluttering the kitchen. Check back Monday for you next baby step.
In the mean time Check out Fly lady at
Now for tonight I want to talk a little more about decluttering the kitchen. Why do we need to talk about decluttering the kitchen in a shiny sink blog you may be asking, well because it is easier to shine the sink if you have less stuff in the kitchen. I told you in the last blog to take a look at the cabinets how are you doing with this? Are you getting rid of things? Are you ready for the next step in the kitchen? Well here it is, let's open the drawers we know there is lots in these area that need to be looked at. Fly lady says that you should not have a junk drawer but that is one thing that I do not agree with but I don't like to call it a junk drawer I like to call it a what not a drawer because the things in this drawer are not junk. And I have to admit that I have more than one. I have to also say this is in my upstairs kitchen because I do not have but three drawers down stairs. I am still working on my upstairs kitchen so I have a empty drawer that I keep the extra wood pieces in this drawer but this is just till my kitchen is done. I'm sure by now you are wanting to see these drawers and cabinets well your in luck I have some pictures for you. I hope you enjoy decluttering the kitchen. Check back Monday for you next baby step.
In the mean time Check out Fly lady at
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
shining sink 365 day 36
I showed you my upstairs kitchen and I am showing it to you again tonight. I have been working hard on Decluttering my kitchen so I can do a remodeled and I have finally done this. February is a month of Decluttering so let's get busy let's open those cabinets and see what we really need. Do you need 10 spots bottles and four sets of China? Take a good look in the cabinets and see what can be tosses or donated.
For more information Check out
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
shining sink 365 day 35
Monday, February 3, 2014
shining sink 365 day 34
I don't really have a lot of tips to share with you so for tonight its just a picture but if you have a issue that you are facing and would like to hear my thoughts on it please leave it in the comments and I will address them in future post.
As always check out for more information.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Shining sink 365 Day 33
First I want to say that I am going to be taking the weekends off from blogging but not my shiny sink so I can spend that time with my family.
Now for today's tip. I want to tell you how baby steps get you out of chaos and have you feeling at peace and not stressed all the time. When you start your baby steps you will start to see a change it will be slow and you may think that you should be doing more but I want you to remember this that flylady says "your house did not get messy in a day and will not get clean in a day." So pace yourself remember that you have to take it slow and steady and take your breaks so that you are not burned out. You do not have to start them on the first of the month if you are not working on the baby steps now please do this today start right now with these baby steps so that your home will be in order in no time. Here is a link to flyladys baby steps starting with day one. Baby steps Now I want to tell you a little bit of what I have found has happened to me since starting the flylady baby steps. I find that my house is not out of control, I have the tools to do the job, I feel at peace with my home, I am not yelling at my kids as much because they know what their chores are and when they need to do them. These are just a few of the things that have happened to me since I have started. Please time it slow and stead and you will have a shining house just like your shining sink.
For more Information check out
Now for today's tip. I want to tell you how baby steps get you out of chaos and have you feeling at peace and not stressed all the time. When you start your baby steps you will start to see a change it will be slow and you may think that you should be doing more but I want you to remember this that flylady says "your house did not get messy in a day and will not get clean in a day." So pace yourself remember that you have to take it slow and steady and take your breaks so that you are not burned out. You do not have to start them on the first of the month if you are not working on the baby steps now please do this today start right now with these baby steps so that your home will be in order in no time. Here is a link to flyladys baby steps starting with day one. Baby steps Now I want to tell you a little bit of what I have found has happened to me since starting the flylady baby steps. I find that my house is not out of control, I have the tools to do the job, I feel at peace with my home, I am not yelling at my kids as much because they know what their chores are and when they need to do them. These are just a few of the things that have happened to me since I have started. Please time it slow and stead and you will have a shining house just like your shining sink.
For more Information check out
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