Sunday, October 28, 2012

Flying with kids

Sometimes flying with kids can be hard and when you are flying like you are in the fifties you have to make things look great and the kids looking like perfect little angels.  I have found a few things that I have found to help me here are a few things that are working for me:

  • Sit out there clothes the night before
  • Put all outfits together so they can just pull out a outfit and put it on. (I put them in gallon or jumbo bags with there panties and socks just grab a bag and go)
  • As part of the BBR get everything you can ready for the next day. (lunches, book bags, shoes, jackets, ect.)
  • I will lay out the kids tooth brushes and toothpaste and sit a alarm for them they know when the alarm goes off they have to get up get dressed to shoes and brush their teeth before coming down for breakfast. (this saves me and them time)
  • They need to make their beds before they leave the house to take some of the pressure off mommy.
  • I also have them to put their dirty clothes in the hamper before they leave so they are ready for mommy to wash.
  • Each kid has simple chores such as (empty trash, feed animals, S&S, fold laundry, everyone has to put away their own laundry but daddy that is mommy's job. )
Just having a few things that you do over and over for a month will become a habit and become a routine.  The routines are the key to our success and when you get a routine down you will see major changes in your life.  Routines have become a way of life for me and I have seen major changes in my life since I have started to use routines.  For more information on Flying and rountines check out the Flylady at

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