Saturday, February 23, 2013

Your never behind

One thing that I love about flylady is she says you are never behind just jump in where you are.  If you get in your mind that you have not done laundry for 3 days you are so far behind you will never catch up then you will believe that and not try but if you started that one load and said I am not behind I will jump in where I am and do a load a day because a load a day keeps chaos away.  For those who dont know chaos is cant have anyone over syndrome.  This is where you dread the knock at the door but when you jump in and do what yoy at that time you will see the chaos leave and peace will feel you.  You will find more time to do things with the kids and even time for the much needed me time that we know we all need because to fly it to finally love yourself.  Right now I am taking a hour from each day for me to work out and then rest and decompress this is a big stress relief for me and helps me love me.  I just want everyone to remember you are not behind jump on over to and see what the mission for today is and see how fast you can get it done.  I challenge you to see what you can get done in 15 min yoy will surprise your self I still surprise myself.  Have a good day happy flying :-)

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