Thursday, February 28, 2013

All purpose cleaner

I was cleaning today and decided I need a all purpose cleaner but did not have one so I started to put things together to see how it works.  Here is what I came up with after some trial and error.

1c borax
1c washing powder
1/4 c dish soap
1/4 c fabric softener (optional)
1 gal boiling water

Mix borax washing powder and soap making a paste then add in boiling water to dissolve paste.  Then add fabric softener for sent if you wish.

Here I am going to show you where I tested it.  My hubby had a raccoon in the fridge and blood leaked out of the bag and he did not wipe it up so it was stuck like glue.  It worked like magic.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Your never behind

One thing that I love about flylady is she says you are never behind just jump in where you are.  If you get in your mind that you have not done laundry for 3 days you are so far behind you will never catch up then you will believe that and not try but if you started that one load and said I am not behind I will jump in where I am and do a load a day because a load a day keeps chaos away.  For those who dont know chaos is cant have anyone over syndrome.  This is where you dread the knock at the door but when you jump in and do what yoy at that time you will see the chaos leave and peace will feel you.  You will find more time to do things with the kids and even time for the much needed me time that we know we all need because to fly it to finally love yourself.  Right now I am taking a hour from each day for me to work out and then rest and decompress this is a big stress relief for me and helps me love me.  I just want everyone to remember you are not behind jump on over to and see what the mission for today is and see how fast you can get it done.  I challenge you to see what you can get done in 15 min yoy will surprise your self I still surprise myself.  Have a good day happy flying :-)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How to make Homemade soap

I have been doing research on how to make my own soap because it has gotten so expensive. I started out making my own laundry powder then moved on to fabric softener and recently I started to make dish soap and body wash. Here are a few of my recipes.

 Laundry Powder
 1c Borax
1c Super washing soda
1 bar of soap (any kind)
Optional 1/2c Oxy Clean

 Shave the soap into small pieces and add to a large bowl then add in the one cup of borax and washing soda. Mix well then add in the oxy clean and mix well. That is it you are done use 1Tbs for small loads and 2Tbs for normal loads.

 Fabric Softener
 2c hair conditioner (any kind I use what is on sale)
6c of water boiling
3c Vinegar

 Mix the conditioner and the vinegar well then add in the boiling water to melt the conditioner and mix until it is a creamy liquid with no lumps. That is it you are ready to use. I use 1/2 per load.

 Dish Soap
1tbs of bar soap shredded (I use the Palmolive from the dollar tree it has 3 bars for a dollar)
1tbs supper washing powder
1 tbs vinegar
1 1/2 c water hot

 Mix all together till the soap is melted then let sit over night next morning mix with hand mixer for a few seconds abouy 30 then add 1 tbs lemon juice & mix for 1 more min then pour in your bottle this will make one large bottle

 Body wash
1 Bar of Shredded soap (I like zest dollar tree has 2 bars for a dollar)
8c of water

 Melt the soap hot water on the stove then sit aside and let it sit over night mix well the next morning and add to your old bottles.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Its flu season how are you dealing with it while flying?

It is flu season and it seems to be hitting the entire country hard.  We are no exception here in my house.  My middle child had to have her tonsils out so I had two weeks of her at home and dealing with that, I was so happy when she could finally go back to school on to have on her third day back to school her to come home with a fever of 101.4.  I just had to say here we go.  I have three young children for all that did not know and they are all really close in age.  They want to share everything including the flu.  I braced my self went and got Lysol and was preparing for a long hard few weeks.  Day 2 was okay my daughter stayed in the bed away from everyone and I was able to go about my routines.  Day 3 was horrible I felt really weak and knew I was getting the flu so here we go I am out and my hubby was going to have to take care of everything to keep the rest of the family well.  When I took my sick one to the doctor they gave us all the flu meds so that we could try to keep from getting it so now I had to up my to twice a day and hope for the best.  I was down Friday and Saturday, but was able to pull it together on Sunday and get things started back.  So here is my main key when you are getting back to your routines after being sick.  Take it slow and easy and drink lots of the water. Now it is Tuesday of the following week and the school calls and says that my oldest daughter is sick and I need to come get her.  When i took her to the dr she had the flu as well and she has already taken the meds so she can not take them so we just have to try to get through it the best we could.  That was not good enough for me I wanted to find a way to keep this from going to the rest of the family so when my mother in law called and said she read something about putting a onion in the window of everyone's bed room I had to find out what this was about.  I looked this up and would site it but can not remember where I found it at and for the life of me can not find it again today.  All you have to do is to cut the onion in half and put it in each window.  The onion will trap in the germs and virus and your family will not get sick.  I thought it was worth a try.  well my house was a little sticky for a few hours but when I work up the next morning and checked the onion in the window it was already turning purple and black like they said it would.  Now I just hope that it will keep us all well.

Well I was not going to just stop there I have to get this monster out of my house so I got the Lysol that you mix with water and a bucket and rag and went after everything in the house that people where touching dresses, door knobs, light switches, the counters, bath tub and so on.  This has been really easy on my because I have been keeping with my routines and the house was not a crazy mess like it would have been before.   Because of my routines and my family knowing that the routines can not stop just because mommy is sick the house was not a pig pen and I did not have to spend the day crisis cleaning upstairs and down I just picked up my routines and went on about my days.  I am so in love with the fly system and that they were able to keep my house running while I was not.  Oh please anyone who tries the onion and wants to tell me how it works feel free to put it in the comments section here I think this is a great way to keep you family well with out all the drugs that have lots of side effects.