Wednesday, January 30, 2013

revamping routines

Hi everyone I have been off my game with flying for the last few months with the holidays and sick kids then my daughter has her tonsils out so it has been a long process to get back on track but I was talking with some of my fly buddies and we all decided we needed to revamp our routines to get back on track with our flying.  I have started to sell my knitting so i needed to add that into my routines so that i would have time to get some of the work done but that was really my only major change.  Here is a preview of my routine

Morning Routine
Swish and swipe
Make bed
Feed pets
30 min of knitting

Afternoon Routine
Take out meat for supper
Mission (from Flylday)
1 hr knitting

Before Bed Routine
Dinner cooked and ate
Gather Laundry
Hot spots
Lay out clothes
Kitchen clean-up
2 1/2 hour knitting

I have grids so I can mark of and i have Monday-Sunday and under each day I have 4 boxes one for each week in a month.  Then I put it in sheet protector so i can mark it each day.  I put it in my control journal and then leave it open on my desk so i see it several times a day so I can make sure i am doing it.

I am having good luck this is the 3rd day with the new routines and I have so much free time to get things for my knitting so I can sell more.  If you would like to check out some of my work you can check out my facebook page at: and order items there.

Have a good day and happy flying

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Items for sale

Here are a few of the things that i am making and selling if anyone is interested in any of these items just send me a message at and I will get them for you









For any orders that are shipped it will be a 2.00 S&H fee.  Thank you for your business

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Making fabric softener

I can not remember the blog I found this recipe on but it was on pintress I have found I love this clothes are so soft and smell really nice.  Here is my recipe 16oz of conditioner 6c water boiling 3c of vinegar.  Mix vinegar and conditioner together heat for 3 min then add boiling water stir well let cool pour into bottle and enjoy so quick and easy

Monday, January 14, 2013

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Here are a few of the things that I have been working on lately I think that this knitting is very 50s im working on the loom as well and have also started to work on crochet as well and in true fly fashion I am working on putting together a binder of all my patterns that I think will be great projects.   Dont forget it is January and the fly mission for January is to shine your sink every night